Hyperkalemia Management Pseudohyperkalemia: 1. Hemolyzed sample 2. Blood drawn from a site/line where potassium or TPN is infusing 3. Extreme thrombocytosis or leukocytosis Assess/Stabilize the Heart: • Order a STAT EKG to assess cardiac conduction (below). • Order calcium to stabilize heart if EKG changes present or in severe K elevation. Decrease K: • FAST (20 minutes-hour) -Shift intracellularly (does not decrease total body K) • MEDIUM (30 minutes-4 hours) - Increase renal excretion via a loop diuretic (give with fluids if volume depleted or euvolemic) or dialysis • SLOW - Bind in the GI tract - Dr. Ann Marie Kumfer @AnnKumfer #Hyperkalemia #Management #treatment #potassium #high