Metabolic Acidosis with Anion Gap - KILU Mnemonic K - Ketoacidosis • DKA - With normal glucose, ask if on SGLT2 inhibitor. - Eugylcyemic ketoacidosis in SGLT2 inhibitors and SGLT2 deficiency mutation • Alcohol ketoacidosis - 10% have -ve urine ketones (their ketone is B-hydroxy butyrate) • Starvation I - Ingestions • ethylene glycol, methanol (for those, check osm gap, & alcohol level) • salicylates (+ resp alkalosis}, APAP (rare in lit), iron (pediatric), paraldehyde L - Lactate • Type A = tissue hypoxia (e.g. shock, dying gut/limb). • Type B = lymphoma or leukemia or drug that results in lactate build-up, Beri-Beri, NRTl's, linezolid U - Uremia • The anion is phosphate typically. #KILU #Mnemonic #AnionGap #Metabolic #Acidosis #diagnosis #differential