Spinal Cord Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Spinal cord neurological lesion:
Clinical findings:
 • Symptoms and signs below the site of a lesion.

Corticospinal Tract Lesions:
 • Bilateral findings of:
	- Spastic paresis/paralysis
	- Weakness
	- Hyperreflexia
	- Muscle spasticity
	- Extensor plantar responses
	- Loss of sensation at or below the site of injury
	- Loss of bowel/bladder continence
 • Pain reported at level of spinal cord compression
 • Disruption of bladder bladder continence
 • Disruption of sensation at or below the site of injury
 • Gait is abnormal often- Sensory ataxia or spasticity
 • Lower roots -> Cauda equina- decreased muscle tone, areflexia, loss of perianal sensation

Compression of the spinal cord:
 • Herniated disc
 • Epidural abscess
 • Epidural hemorrhage
 • Cervical spondylosis
 • Epidural, intradural or intermedullary neoplasm
 • Posttraumatic compression by fractured vertebral body

Non-compressive Spinal Cord Causes:
1. Demyelinating:
	- Multiple sclerosis
	- Transverse myelitis
	- Neuromyelitis optica
	- Sarcoidosis
	- Radiation myelopathy
	- Spinal injuries
2. Infections:
	- Viral: VZV, HSV, HIV, CMV, HTLV
	- Mycoplasma, Influenza, EBV, Dengue, Measles, Mumps, WNV
	- Parasite: Schistosomiasis Toxoplasmosis, Neurocysticercosis
	- Bacterial: Borrelia, Treponema, Listeria, TB
	- Spinal abscess: hematogenous spread
	- Fungal: Actinomyces, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides, Aspergillus
3. Vascular/Blockage of the Blood Supply:
	- AVM
	- Antiphospholipid and other hypercoagulable states
	- Hemorrhage
	- Ant. Spinal artery thrombosis
4. Toxic Metabolic:
	- Chemotherapy
	- Radiation myelopathy
	- Vit B12 and copper levels
5. Inflammatory:
	- Sarcoidosis, Behcet disease
	- SLE, Scleroderma, Systemic sclerosis
	- MCTD, Sjogren syndrome

Cord Compression Symptoms:
 • Back pain
 • Weakness
 • Sensory loss: Sensory level (1-5 levels below lesion)
 • Bowel and bladder dysfunction
 • Abnormal reflexes: Areflexia

UMN Symptoms: 
 • Upper extremity, lower extremity and/or bulbar region
 • Weakness + slowness
 • Hyperreflexia
 • Spasticity
 • Extensor plantar response

LMN Symptoms:
 • Weakness
 • Loss of muscle (atrophy)
 • Muscle twitching (fasciculations)

#spinal #cord #spinalcord #disorders #diagnosis #neurology #differential  #algorithm
Ravi Singh K @rav7ks · 4 years ago
Academic Hospitalist and Program Director @SinaiBmoreIMRes, Medicine clerkship director GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences RMC at Sinai, Clinical reasoning,Simulation and POCUS enthusiast - https://twitter.com/rav7ks
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