Dr. Aaron Brown @aaronbrown
147.8K 63 35
GrepMed Anesthesia Editor, UC Davis School of Medicine 2019
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3 results
Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting

Infographic by Dr. Jesse Burk-Rafel

> 8 hours - Heavy foods (fried/fatty) and
Guidelines for Preoperative ... Guidelines for Preoperative ... 2596245 #NPO #Preoperative ... Timeline #EBM #VisualAbstract
Anesthesia for the Obese Patient: Preoperative Evaluation, Intraoperative Management, and Postoperative Management

#Anesthesia #Obese #Obesity #Management #Preoperative
Obese Patient: Preoperative ... Obesity #Management #Preoperative
Anaesthesia and 
peri-operative care for Jehovah's Witnesses and 
patients who refuse blood 

1. Patients should be
Witnesses #Anesthesia #perioperative ... #preoperative #