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10 results
Acute bacterial skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs)

#skin #softtissue #infections #cellulitis #infectiousdiseases #management #treatment #diagnosis #sstis
and soft tissue infections ... skin #softtissue #infections
Rodent-associated Bacterial infections: Leptospirosis, Rat-bite fever, Tularemia, Plague 

Rodent-associated Bacterial infections ... #rodent #infections
Guide to Invasive Fungal Infections: Molds

- IDagram @ID_agram 

#Molds #Invasive #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Guide #Differential #Fungal #Infections
Invasive Fungal Infections ... Differential #Fungal #Infections
Overview of Invasive Fungal Infections and Treatment - Yeasts and Dimorphic Fungi


#Yeasts #Fungal #Invasive
Invasive Fungal Infections ... Fungal #Invasive #Infections
Ever had a #traveler come in to your clinic with #fever and you were not sure
not sure what #infection
Q Fever (Coxiella Burnetii) - Acute vs Chronic Diagnosis and Management

 - Self-limited flu-like illness
Osteoarticular infection ... - Endovascular infection ... acute #chronic #infection
Localized skin infections and associations: Cellulitis, Bite wounds, Ulcers, Nodules, Eschars 

Localized skin infections
Here is a quick guide on the common direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic hepatitis C virus
C virus (HCV) infection
Coverage of common antibiotics used in the hospital

For empiric coverage, first define the type of infection,
define the type of infection
Rickettsiae: Spotted Fever group

R. rickettsii 
R. parkeri 
R. philipii / Rickettsia 364D
R. africae 
R. australis 
severe rickettsial infection