Meghan Kelly Herbst, MD @eusmkh
325.0K 26 26
UCONN Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine. Ultrasound Fellowship Yale 2011. Family, patients, education, running = my life. |
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273 results
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound

Assessment for an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP). Uterine landmarks are bladder (B)
Pelvic #Ultrasound #clinical ... obgyn #obstetrics #radiology
Abscess and Cobblestoning on POCUS

Cobblestoning of inflamed fat (“hot” cobblestoning!) and an echogenic abscess. This should
Cobblestoning #POCUS #clinical ... cellulitis #ultrasound #radiology
Bladder Irrigation on POCUS (Sagittal View)

Irrigation is being performed for retention caused by hematuria

Dr. Meghan Herbst
POCUS #Sagittal #clinical ... ultrasound #urology #radiology
Bladder Irrigation on POCUS (Transverse View)

Irrigation is being performed for retention caused by hematuria

Dr. Meghan Herbst
POCUS #Transverse #clinical ... ultrasound #urology #radiology
Humerus Fracture on POCUS

A woman fell down a flight of stairs and can’t move her left
Fracture #POCUS #clinical ... #orthopedics #radiology
Malpositioned foley catheter inflated within the prostate

Foley placement was attempted to decompress the bladder, and the
Catheter #prostate #clinical ... #ultrasound #radiology
Viral Pneumonia on Lung POCUS

Scanning lung pleura; findings include B-lines and a sub pleural consolidation.
ultrasound #pulmonary #radiology ... #clinical #labeled
Shoulder Infraspinatus Hematoma on POCUS

A woman fell down a flight of stairs and can’t move her
Hematoma #POCUS #clinical ... #orthopedics #radiology
Achilles Tendon Tear on POCUS (Labeled)

A 35yo male presents with ankle pain. Achilles tendon tear is
POCUS #Labeled #clinical ... ultrasound #msk #radiology
Ascites vs Hemoperitoneum on Pelvic Ultrasound

Patient B has echogenic free fluid (ff) surrounding uterus (u) c/w
Ultrasound #POCUS #clinical ... #radiology