Dr Supradip Ghosh @intensivist1972
34.7K 21 10
Internist and Intensive Care Physician, Director and Head, Critical Care Medicine, Fortis-Escorts Hospital, Faridabad, India - Founder "FLUID ACADEMY OF INDIA" Loving Husband and Father, Caring Physician,Passionate Teacher and Amateur Researcher https://twitter.com/dr_supradip
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3 results
Janeway Lesions in Endocarditis seen on Physical Exam 

Dr Supradip Ghosh

36 year old male with history
sister shared these photos ... PhysicalExam #clinical #photo ... #dermatology #soles
Palpable Purpura seen in Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP, IgA Vasculitis)

55 year old male on tuberculosis treatment
Vasculitis #clinical #photo ... #dermatology #skin
Norepinephrine extravasation from peripheral IV access (antecubital)
 • Avoid high-dose norepinephrine through peripheral access!
 • If
pressors #clinical #photo