Dr Supradip Ghosh @intensivist1972
34.8K 21 10
Internist and Intensive Care Physician, Director and Head, Critical Care Medicine, Fortis-Escorts Hospital, Faridabad, India - Founder "FLUID ACADEMY OF INDIA" Loving Husband and Father, Caring Physician,Passionate Teacher and Amateur Researcher https://twitter.com/dr_supradip
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13 results
Abdominojugular (Hepatojugular) Reflux

Described by Pasteur in 1885 as a physical sign of TR. Still useful for
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video ... VolumeStatus #Cardiology #HJR ... #AJR
Paradoxical Breathing noted on Physical Exam after Chest Wall Resection (Sarcoma)

Dr. Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#Paradoxical #Breathing #Flail
#Flail #Chest #Respiratory ... Pulmonary #clinical #video
Flail Chest with Paradoxical Breathing on Physical Exam

Missing this is not acceptable when you are in
Paradoxical #Breathing #respiratory ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Right sided hemichorea from left thalamic bleed

- Dr Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#hemichorea #physicalexam #clinical #video #neurology #chorea
physicalexam #clinical #video
Parkinsonism Hand Tremor

Dr Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#Parkinsonism #Hand #Tremor #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology
Tremor #clinical #video
Chvostek Sign on Physical Exam

Young man presented with history of fatigue, muscle cramps and features suggestive
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Prolonged Capillary Refill Time

Press a glass slide at the ventral aspect of index finger. Keep it
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Locked-In Syndrome on Physical Exam

56 year-old male with acute onset altered sensorium. Suffered a cardiac arrest
PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Fasciculations and Muscle Wasting on Physical Exam

Patient with respiratory failure and motor neuron disease

Dr. Supradip Ghosh
Patient with respiratory ... Muscle #clinical #video
Normal Capillary Refill Time

Press a glass slide at the ventral aspect of index finger. Keep it
PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video