Dr. Christine Nguyen @ctpnguyen
354.2K 211 109
GrepMed Editor, UC Davis School of Medicine 2019, Family Medicine
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7 results
Lung Cancer Screening Criteria
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #LungCancer #Screening #Criteria #LowDose #ChestCT
Cancer Screening Criteria ... LungCancer #Screening #Criteria
Diagnostic Criteria for Cluster Headache
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Headache #Cluster #Criteria
Diagnostic Criteria ... Headache #Cluster #Criteria
Decision Aid For Lung Cancer Screening with Computerized Tomography (CT)

You should consider being screened if you
LungCancer #Screening #Criteria
A decision aid for people considering lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
The USPSTF recommends
LungCancer #Screening #Criteria
A decision aid for people considering lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography
LungCancer #Screening #Criteria
Evaluation of suspected incomplete Kawasaki disease. 

(1) In the absence of gold standard for diagnosis, this
pediatrics #peds #criteria
Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases (in patients at higher risk) - Patient Visual Decision
determined by various criteria