Dr. Christine Nguyen @ctpnguyen
354.9K 211 109
GrepMed Editor, UC Davis School of Medicine 2019, Family Medicine
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12 results
Differential Diagnosis of Headache - Table

 - Cluster headache
 - Migraine
 - Paroxysmal hemicrania
 - Short-lasting
Differential Diagnosis ... of Headache - Table ... - Cluster headache ... #PrimaryCare #Headache ... #Primary #Differential
POUND Mnemonic for Diagnosis of Migraine Headache
P Is the headache Pulsatile in quality?
O Is the duration
Diagnosis of Migraine Headache ... P Is the headache ... intensity of the headache ... #Migraine #Headache
Migraine Headache Characteristics - POUND Mnemonic

#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Migraine #Headache #Pound #Mnemonic
Migraine Headache ... PrimaryCare #Migraine #Headache
Psychotic disorders: Identification and management #Management #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Psych #Psychosis #Differential #Overview #PsychoticDisorders #BMJ
Psych #Psychosis #Differential
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
How to differentiate
Diagnosis of Primary Amenorrhea
A diagnostic approach to primary amenorrhea. (FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing
Primary #Amenorrhea #Differential
Algorithm for the diagnosis of chronic diarrhea.
It is usually impractical to test and treat the many
the much smaller differential
A diagnostic approach to secondary amenorrhea. (DHEA-S = dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH =
Secondary #Amenorrhea #Differential
Diagnostic Criteria for Cluster Headache
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Headache #Cluster #Criteria
Criteria for Cluster Headache ... #PrimaryCare #Headache
Approach to the patient with hematuria.
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Hematuria #Algorithm #Differential
Hematuria #Algorithm #Differential