Eddy Joe MD @eddyjoemd
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Educator and Intensivist - https://www.eddyjoemd.com Host of the Saving Lives Podcast - https://anchor.fm/eddyjoemd I teach Critical Care Medicine on YouTube & Instagram - https://www.youtube.com/EDDYJOEMD | https://www.instagram.com/eddyjoemd | https://twitter.com/eddyjoemd
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29 results
"COPD exacerbation" CXR ?RUL pneum. Worsening clinically ED despite resuscitation abx/steroids/fluids. Thoracic POCUS shows consolidation +
Worsening clinically ... loculations suggesting empyema ... @rajivthava #Clinical ... #POCUS #Lung #Empyema
Posterior L chest scan…same patient. Explains all! Massive L effusion, empyema. Drained and later discharged from
Massive L effusion, empyema ... Wilkinsonjonny #Clinical ... Lung #Massive #Empyema
In the hospital: minimal improvement with abx for CAP. Lung US to the rescue. Diagnostic thora;
IMUS_Spokane #Clinical ... #POCUS #Lung #Empyema
How a Chest Tube Drainage System Works

Bottle 1: Fluid Collection. This is a simple collection bottle
pus from your empyema
Reading Chest X-Rays - Anatomy Labelled

Reading a chest x-ray (CXR) is an incredibly important aspect of
#Clinical #Radiology
Pediatric Pneumonia on POCUS

Nothing as satisfying as when the normal lung gives way to pneumonia. 

Pediatrics #Peds #Clinical
Parasternal Short Axis Windows:

Aortic Valve, Mitral Valve, and Papillary Muscle Views

Understanding long and short axes in
Fanning #Views #Clinical
Clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis. 
Neurological (<15%): Dizziness, syncope, seizures, Confusion, impending doom. headache
Angioedema: Lips, tongue, orbit,
Clinical manifestations
McConnell's Sign in Acute Pulmonary Embolism - POCUS

- Dr. Jay Mohan, D.O. RPVI https://twitter.com/DrJayMohan

#McConnells #Sign #PulmonaryEmbolism
Echocardiogram #Clinical
Intubation Confirmation on POCUS

See the round, shadowing structures?
1. ET Tube in Trachea
2. NG Tube in Esophagus

Confirmation #POCUS #ETT #Clinical