Dustin Morrow MD RDMS FACEP @SonoSerious
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Emergency Medicine Physician / Ultrasound Education Director @UofSCSOMG / Division Chief #EMUS / System Director #POCUS Prisma Health Upstate. Creator of Ultrasound Phantoms. https://twitter.com/SonoSerious
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6 results
Asteroid Hyalosis on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Very cool case from colleague at one of my
Point of Care Ultrasound ... Hyalosis #Ocular #Ultrasound
Normal horizontal repetitive artifacts (A Lines) 

 - Dustin Morrow MD @SonoSerious

#ALines #Artifact #Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Urinary Tract Infection on Bladder Ultrasound with Mobile Debris

Dustin Morrow MD @ https://twitter.com/SonoSerious

#UrinaryTractInfection #UTI #Bladder #Ultrasound
Infection on Bladder Ultrasound ... #UTI #Bladder #Ultrasound
Biceps Tendon Rupture and Hematoma on Point or Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Anticoagulated guy bruises to arm and
Point or Care Ultrasound ... Rupture #POCUS #Ultrasound
Triceps Rhabdomyolysis on POCUS

Asymmetric gains new weight lifting routine right triceps enlarged. Ck 15k loss of
Rhabdomyolysis #POCUS #Ultrasound
Thyroid Doppler Ultrasound during Thyroid Storm on POCUS

Thyroid storm.AMS febrile tachy tremors hx of "gland" prob.
Thyroid Doppler Ultrasound