Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD
31.1M 13.9K 7.3K
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/grepmed/ | Twitter: https://twitter.com/grepmeded/
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#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #CTChest #Longstanding #Sarcoidosis #Fibrosis #Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Garland #Triad #GarlandTriad #Sarcoidosis #Lymphadenopathy #ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral #Vasculature #PulmonaryArteries #PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical ... PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
Septic emboli
On a follow up CXR only a small lungcyst is seen. #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral
#Clinical #Radiology ... Lateral #Cyst #RadiologyAssistant
Ventricular Fibrillation in Real Time

This was recorded at the conclusion of a swine experiment prior to
Fibrillation #VFib #Video ... #Clinical #POCUS
This is what a shoulder dislocation looks like on US before and after reduction. Focus on
Focus on the joint ... Ghali @EM_RESUS #Clinical ... #POCUS #MSK #Shoulder
Here are the most common examples of these four patterns on a chest x-ray (click image
Atelectasis #Diagnosis #Clinical ... Consolidation #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
The mediastinum can be divided into an anterior, middle and posterior compartment, each with it's own
#Clinical #Radiology ... #Compartments #RadiologyAssistant
Forming the platform for my CCS2018 talk, ‘POCUS on ITU’! My infographic on the
ABC's of POCUS ... CCS2018 talk, ‘POCUS ... on the ABC’s of POCUS ... #CriticalCare #POCUS ... #ABCs #ABCDEs #clinical
On the left three different patients with lung cysts.
From left to right: Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and Langerhans
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... Histiocytosis #RadiologyAssistant