Gerardo Hernandez @DrGerardoHernandez
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Interests: teaching, Community Medicine, underserved communities, mentorship
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4 results
OSA Questionnaire - STOPBANG
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #OSA #ObstructiveSleepApnea #Screening #STOPBANG #Questionnaire
STOPBANG #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare
Lung Cancer Screening Criteria
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #LungCancer #Screening #Criteria #LowDose #ChestCT
Criteria #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare
Global Alliance algorithm to improve outcomes in acne.
†With small nodules (>0.5–1 cm).
‡Consider physical removal of comedones.
#Dermatology #PrimaryCare
Understanding Cervical HPV
Human Papillomavirus(HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus with over 200 types, divided by tissue
HPV #Screening #PrimaryCare