Dr. Peter Johns @peterjohns84
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Emergency Physician, Vertigo enthusiast https://www.youtube.com/user/peterj
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7 results
HINTS Exam - Normal Head Impulse Test = Central Cause

This patient as a normal head impulse
PeterJohns84 #Normal #HeadImpulse ... #Test #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Abnormal Head Impulse Test = Peripheral Cause

This video demonstrates:
1) Normal Head Impulse Test
#Abnormal #HeadImpulse ... #Test #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Abnormal Head Impulse Test = Peripheral Cause

This video demonstrates:
1) Normal Head Impulse Test
#Abnormal #HeadImpulse ... #Test #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Bidirectional Nystagmus 

In a patient with vertigo symptoms, this finding is worrisome for
Nystagmus #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Abnormal Test of Skew (Abnormal Vertical Skew)

In a patient with vertigo symptoms, this
#Test #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Unidirectional Nystagmus - Left-beating

In a patient with vertigo symptoms, this finding is reassuring
Nystagmus #HINTS #PhysicalExam
HINTS Exam - Normal Test of Skew (Normal Vertical Skew)

In a patient with vertigo symptoms, this
#Test #HINTS #PhysicalExam