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13 results
Patellar Tendon Rupture on POCUS

Sorry not a sprain, patellar tendon rupture.

Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff

#Rupture #Patellar #tendon #POCUS
Patellar Tendon Rupture ... patellar tendon rupture ... UltrasoundStuff #Rupture ... clinical #ultrasound #knee
Knee POCUS: Synovial Hypertrophy 
#Clinical	#EM #Ortho #Radiology	#POCUS #Knee #Effusion #Synovium #Hypertrophy #SynovialHypertrophy #SonoStuff
Knee POCUS: Synovial ... Radiology #POCUS #Knee ... #Effusion #Synovium
Images of the knee were taken as well that demonstrated no significant joint effusion.

Dr. Michael Schick
Images of the knee ... significant joint effusion ... Clinical #MSK #POCUS #Knee
Thompson Test with POCUS shows achilles rupture, retracted ratty tendon with hematoma.

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff -
shows achilles rupture ... Achilles #Tendon #Ruptured
To evaluate the hip for an effusion with POCUS begin just medial to the ASIS, in
the hip for an effusion ... Hip effusions typically ... also visualize effusions
POCUS Pericardial Effusion with Tamponade
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Cardiology	#POCUS #Pericardial #Effusion #PericardialEffusion #Tamponade #SonoStuff
POCUS Pericardial Effusion ... #Pericardial #Effusion
POCUS Pericardial Effusion
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Cardiology	#POCUS #Cardiac #Pericardial #Effusion #PericardialEffusion #Apical #Apical4Chamber #SonoStuff
POCUS Pericardial Effusion ... #Pericardial #Effusion
Pneumonia with Air Bronchograms, Effusion

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency Medicine

#Clinical	#POCUS #Lung #Pneumonia #AirBronchograms
Bronchograms, Effusion ... AirBronchograms #Effusion
Ultrasound guided arthrocentesis (knee) with a resident.  Same principles apply for all ultrasound guided procedures.
arthrocentesis (knee ... UltrasoundStuff #Knee
QA of the Day. Sudden Testicular pain, fluid around the teste. Turned out to be a
Turned out to be a ruptured ... Scrotom #ScrotalUS #Ruptured