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8 results
Type B Aortic Dissection Flap - Proximal abdominal aorta - Transverse View

#TypeB #Aortic #Dissection #Aorta #Transverse
abdominal aorta - Transverse ... Dissection #Aorta #Transverse
POCUS Infrarenal Ballooning AAA - Transverse View

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency Medicine

#Clinical	#POCUS #Abdomen
Ballooning AAA - Transverse ... Aneurysm #Infrarenal #Transverse
A transverse still image of the upper airway taken with a high frequency, linear transducer at
A transverse still ... #False #Cords #Transverse
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
A transverse still ... SubglotticEdema #Transverse
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
A transverse still ... Cords #Thyroid #Transverse
POCUS - Pyomyositis - Transverse Axis - A collection that is not acute may not appear
Pyomyositis - Transverse ... #Pyomyositis #Transverse
A similar hypoechoic, enlarged region was identified in the right posterior calf with a very small
#POCUS #Calf #Transverse
An area within the posterior thigh muscles that was clearly hypoechoic compared to the unaffected leg
#POCUS #Thigh #Transverse