Dr. Priyanka Teckchandani @DrTeck
305.6K 191 97
GrepMed Pulmonary and Critical Care Editor - Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellow UC Irvine ‘22
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27 results
DSI Checklist

#Management #CriticalCare #Airway #DelayedSequence #DSI #Intubation #Checklist #HEAVEN #Mnemonic
DSI Checklist #Management
Emergency Cricothyroidotomy Instructions #Management #CriticalCare #Emergency #Cricothyroidotomy #SurgicalAirway #Instructions #Procedure
Instructions #Management
Pediatric Airway Intubation Dumpkit and Cognitive Checklist 

#Dumpkit #Airway #Intubation #CriticalCare #Management #Checklist #Peds #Pediatrics
#CriticalCare #Management
Emergency needle cricothyroidotomy instructions

#Needle #Cricothyroidotomy #Management #CriticalCare #Airway #Setup #Instructions
Cricothyroidotomy #Management
AIME Airway Checklist
#Management #Peds #CriticalCare #Airway #Intubation #Checklist #AIME #PEMSource
Airway Checklist #Management
RSI Intubation Checklist / Dumpkit

#Dumpkit #Management #CriticalCare #RSI #Intubation #Airway #Checklist
Dumpkit #Dumpkit #Management
Pneumothorax Management Algorithm - Spontaneous vs Traumatic vs Iatrogenic

Source: https://journals.lww.com/clinpulm/Abstract/2017/01000/Chest_Tubes___Indications,_Sizing,_Placement,_and.7.aspx

#Pneumothorax #ChestTube #Algorithm #Management #Pulmonary #Thoracic
Pneumothorax Management ... ChestTube #Algorithm #Management
Difficult Airway Society - Intubation Checklist

Prepare the patient 

Prepare the equipment 

Prepare the team 

Prepare for
Intubation #Checklist #Management
First10EM Post Intubation Checklist
#Management #Airway #CriticalCare #PostIntubation #Checklist #First10EM
Intubation Checklist #Management
AATS lung cancer screening guidelines for solid nodules on low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). PET/CT, Positron emission
computed tomography #Management