Dr. Priyanka Teckchandani @DrTeck
305.6K 191 97
GrepMed Pulmonary and Critical Care Editor - Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellow UC Irvine ‘22
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Halo Sign on Chest CT
 • SPN or mass surrounded by a circumferential GGO
 • DDx:
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Feeding Vessel Sign on Chest CT
 • Distinct pulmonary vessel leading into a lung nodule or
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
CT Lung Signs in Pulmonary Diseases - One Page Summary of Pulmonary Signs
 - Air Crescent
#differential #radiology
High-Res Chest CT Patterns - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Septal Thickening: Lymphangitic Carcinoma, Interstitial Edema, Alveolar
Diagnosis #pulmonary #radiology
Monod Sign on Chest CT
 • Air surrounding a fungal ball in a preexisting pulmonary cavity
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Bronchus Sign on Chest CT
 • Airway leading directly to a peripheral lung nodule or mass
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Signet Ring Sign on Chest CT
 • Prominently dilated airway compared to its accompanying pulm vessel.
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Comet Tail Sign on Chest CT
 • Curvilinear pleural based opacity directed towards the ipsilateral hilum
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Sand Storm Sign on Chest CT
 • Diffusely dense pulmonary micronodular calcifications. Note the black pleural
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
Corona Radiata (Sunburst sign) on Chest CT
 • SPN or mass, with spiculated and inegular margins
Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology