Dr. Charles Goldberg @DrGoldberg
1.0M 104 21
Clinical Professor, University of California San Diego - Division of Hospital Medicine, - Images shared with permission from the UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images - https://meded.ucsd.edu/clinicalimg/
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11 results
Peritonsilar Abscess: Abscess of left tonsilar area. Note swelling and deviation of uvula away from
side of
Peritonsilar Abscess ... : Abscess of left ... Peritonsillar #Abscess
Perirectal Abscess

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Photo #Perirectal #Abscess #Perianal #UCSDH
Perirectal Abscess ... Photo #Perirectal #Abscess
Tooth Abscess: Tooth abscess involving right canine region. Associated inflammation of right cheek
area can be seen
Tooth Abscess: Tooth ... abscess involving ... #Photo #Tooth #Abscess
Abscess: Marked swelling and redness is apparent just above antecubital fossa. This is caused by an
Abscess: Marked ... is caused by an abscess ... Clinical #Photo #Abscess
Peritonsilar Abscess: Note swelling and anatomic distortion, right tonsillar area.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of
Peritonsilar Abscess ... Peritonsillar #Abscess
Perirectal Abscess: Infection originates in the rectum, extending to the opening seen on the buttocks.

Charlie Goldberg,
Perirectal Abscess ... Photo #Perirectal #Abscess
Tooth Abscess: Infection of the root of the left upper molar has caused obvious left sided
Tooth Abscess: Infection ... #Photo #Tooth #Abscess
Submandibular Abscess: Infected tooth in lower left jaw has led to extensive swelling with infection
burrowing out
Submandibular Abscess ... Submandibular #Abscess
Periorbital Cellulits: Note marked swelling and redness surrounding the eye due to infection. There is also
evidence of an abscess
Perirectal Cellulitis: Extensive inflammation and swelling of the right buttocks secondary to infection.
This can be distinguished
from a perirectal abscess