Dr. Charles Goldberg @DrGoldberg
1.0M 104 21
Clinical Professor, University of California San Diego - Division of Hospital Medicine, - Images shared with permission from the UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images - https://meded.ucsd.edu/clinicalimg/
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41 results
Acute Arterial Insufficiency: Embolus to right lower extremity resulted in acute vascular insuficiency
to foot. Note mottled
Acute Arterial Insufficiency ... acute vascular insuficiency ... to foot. ... LowerExtremity #Foot ... PAD #Arterial #Insufficiency
Venous Insufficiency: Chronic venous insufficiency resulting in swelling and dark discoloration of legs.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. -
Venous Insufficiency ... Chronic venous insufficiency ... Chronic #Venous #Insufficiency
Onychomycosis: Chronic fungal toenail infection causing deformity and discoloration.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical
Clinical #Photo #Foot
Erruption on Sole of Foot Associated with Secondary Syphillis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical
Erruption on Sole of Foot
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
#Tinea #Pedis #Foot
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: A febrile illness (caused by Coxsackie Virus) associated vesicle formation on
Hand, Foot, and
Arterial Insufficiency: Chronic arterial insufficiency has resulted in pale, hairless, and somewhat 
shiny appearing lower extremity.
Arterial Insufficiency ... Chronic arterial insufficiency ... SkinRash #Leg #Foot ... #Arterial #Insufficiency
Babinski Response: Note upgoing great toe upon stimulation of lateral foot in patient with
upper motor neuron
stimulation of lateral foot ... Photo #Neurology #Foot
Urticaria (hives): Skin reaction that occurs in response to cold, food allergies, meds, environmental exposures, stings,
response to cold, food
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Note the extensive edema, erythema, bullae formation, and necrosis in this patient's thigh. At
the extensive edema