Dr. David H Cisewski @dhcisewski
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Writer for EMDocs.net, founder Pain Profiles, EM Resident at SinaiEM.org - https://twitter.com/dhcisewski - https://twitter.com/PainProfiles
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4 results
Review of Intranasally Administered Medications for Use in the Emergency Department
Table of agents, uses, dosing, onset
agents, uses, dosing ... Comparison #Table #Dosing ... VisualAbstract #Pharmacology
Hydromorphone use for acute pain: Misconceptions, controversies, and risks. Motov et al

Visual Abstract by David Cisewski,
Overview #Safety #Pharmacology
Randomized Clinical Trial of IV Acetaminophen as an Analgesic Adjunct for Older Adults with Acute Severe
VisualAbstract #Pain #Pharmacology
Randomized Controlled Trial of Intravenous Acetaminophen Versus Intravenous Hydromorphone for the Treatment of Acute Pain in
VisualAbstract #Pain #Pharmacology