Vikash kuhad @13Vik
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9 results
#Clinical #InfectiousDisease #Measles #Rash #BMJ
#Clinical #InfectiousDisease
Abdominojugular (Hepatojugular) Reflux

Described by Pasteur in 1885 as a physical sign of TR. Still useful for
#PhysicalExam #Clinical
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
- Orthodromic AVRT: Narrow complex, most common 
- Antidromic AVRT: wide complex because goes through
Electrocardiogram #Clinical
Parasternal Short Axis Windows:

Aortic Valve, Mitral Valve, and Papillary Muscle Views

Understanding long and short axes in
Fanning #Views #Clinical
Bovine Aortic Arch Variant - Thoracotomy

- Dr. Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas @PipeCabreraV @Cirbosque

#Bovine #Aortic #Arch #Variant
#Thoracotomy #clinical
Hoover's Sign

Hoover’s sign refers to inward movement of the lower rib cage during inspiration- instead of
PhysicalExam #Video #Clinical
Tying a Slip Knot

A Slip Knot can be used for laparoscopic and vascular surgery.

- Dr. Luis
Surgery #Tying #clinical
Cold Agglutinin Disease

3 Types of Cold Sensitive Antibodies:
  1. Cold Agglutinins (CAD)
  2. Donath-Landsteiner
Viral Infection Clinical
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Chronic Hypertension:
 • Guidelines as SBP ≥130 or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg
diagnosis so have high clinical