Dr. Michael Chew @mchew85
474.8K 235 125
GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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25 results
Ascaris Lumbricoides (Roundworm) on Colonoscopy

#Ascaris #Lumbricoides #Ascariasis #Roundworm #Colonoscopy #clinical #gastroenterology #parasite
#Colonoscopy #clinical ... gastroenterology #parasite
Ascaris on Gastric POCUS

#Ascaris #Ascariasis #gastric #pocus #clinical #ultrasound #stomach #parasite #worm
gastric #pocus #clinical ... ultrasound #stomach #parasite
Scolex Identification of Fish Tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) on Colonoscopy


#Scolex #Fish #Tapeworm #DiphyllobothriumLatum #Colonoscopy #clinical #Parasite
#Colonoscopy #clinical ... #Parasite
Pinworms (Enterobius Vermicularis) on Colonoscopy

For those looking for pinworms, here it is... Swimming in the caecum!

#Colonoscopy #clinical ... #parasites
Trichuris dysentery syndrome on sigmoidoscopy (whipworms)

An 8y child was referred for sigmoidoscopy from a pediatric unit.
#colonoscopy #parasites
Abnormal liver function tests algorithm.
 This figure details the initial response to abnormal liver blood tests.
evaluation of the clinical ... /or suspicious clinical ... the remainder, a clinical ... elevation and clinical
Forrest Classification for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding
Rebleeding risks are without endoscopic intervention
1a - Spurting Bleed - 60-100%
gastroenterology #EGD #clinical
Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia (GIM)
 • GIM is a precancerous, histopathologic change characterized by replacement of normal
pylori) gastritis Clinical
Tumor markers in clinical practice
Colorectal - CEA
Hepatocellular - AFP
Pancreatic - CA 19-9
Ovarian - CA 125
Breast -
Tumor markers in clinical
Brisk Gastric Bleeding on Upper Endoscopy
87 year old female. Acute bleeding in stomach.  Dieulafoy’s Lesion
gastroenterology #clinical