Dr. Michael Chew @mchew85
480.4K 235 125
GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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24 results
Drugs and Classes Associated with DILI and Type of Liver Injury

#Medications #Differential #DrugInduced #LiverInjury #Hepatology #Pharmacology
#Medications #Differential ... #DrugInduced #LiverInjury
Causes of Severe Acute Liver Injury
 - Ichemic hepatitis
 - Acute biliary obstruction
 - Drug-Induced liver
deficiency #LiverInjury ... Acute #Causes #Differential
Shotgun Laboratory Testing for Severe Acute Livery Injury


#TWDFNR #Testing #Laboratory #LiverInjury #Diagnosis #Workup #Hepatology #EBM #ChoosingWisely
Testing #Laboratory #LiverInjury
Table of Causes of Acute Liver Injury
#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Acute #Liver #Injury #Causes #Differential #Incidence #Table #Failure
Injury #Causes #Differential ... #Incidence #Table
Portal Hypertension Differential

#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Differential #PortalHypertension #PortalHTN #Prehepatic #Posthepatic #Intrahepatic
Portal Hypertension Differential ... Diagnosis #Hepatology #Differential
An Approach to Jaundice - Differential Diagnosis

- Increased Production (Prehepatic)
- Decreased Clearance (Intrahepatic + Posthepatic)

Dr. Eric
to Jaundice - Differential ... #Jaundice #Differential
Gallstone Diseases
1. Asymptomatic Stones 75%
2. Biliary Pain 20%
3. Acute Cholecystitis 10%
4. Mirizzi's Syndrome < 0.1%
5. Cholangitis/
Gallstone #Diseases #differential
Common Etiologies of Cirrhosis


 - Hepatitis B (15 percent)

 - Hepatitis C (47 percent)

 - Schistosomiasis
#Diagnosis #Differential
Gastrointestinal Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia
 • Mass lesions: Carcinoma, Large polyps
 • Inflammatory: Reflux esophagitis,
Anemia #Causes #differential
Deciphering the SAAG - Serum to Ascites Albumin Gradient
Ascites is either made in the liver sinusoid
Interpretation #Differential