Dr. Aldo Jimenez @aldorodrigo
24.5K 31 11
Internist | Nephrologist in Mexico. Interests: #acidbase, #electrolytes, #AKI, #POCUS, #FOAMed, #ClinicalReasoning, #NSMC 2019 https://twitter.com/aldorodrigo
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2 results
Visual Abstract: Does lung ultrasound compared to standard approach, improve the accuracy for diagnosis of acute
/ejhf.1379 #LungUltrasound ... #POCUS #CHF #ADHF ... #EBM #VisualAbstract
Mycophenolate Mofetil versus Cyclophosphamide for Induction Treatment of Lupus Nephritis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2678035/

Mycophenolate versus Azathioprine as Maintenance Therapy
VisualAbstract #Nephrology #EBM