Academic Life in EM @ALiEMteam
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Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) - | |
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112 results
Eye Anatomy and Key Diagnoses Rule of 2s - Posterior Eye - Use fundoscopy and ultrasound
Anatomy and Key Diagnoses ... and ultrasound #Diagnosis ... #Ophth #Pathology
Eye Anatomy and Key Diagnoses Rule of 2s - Anterior Eye - Utilize slit lamp exam
Anatomy and Key Diagnoses ... slit lamp exam #Diagnosis ... #EM #Ophth #Anterior
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma - Exam: Corneal edema, mid-dilated NON-reactive pupil #Clinical #EM #Ophth #SlitLamp #AngleClosure
#Clinical #EM #Ophth
Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosing Pneumonia - Scan through 6 zones (3 per side) 1. Midclavicular line
Ultrasound for Diagnosing ... the diaphragm #Diagnosis ... Peds #EM #PICU #POCUS
Positive FAST in the RUQ view demonstrating echogenic clot in Morison’s pouch with adjacent anechoic free
(*) #Clinical #Diagnosis ... Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
Transducer location to evaluate the femoral vein and normal ultrasound images showing common femoral artery (A)
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... Radiology #Vasc #POCUS
Transducer location to evaluate the popliteal vein and normal ultrasound images showing popliteal artery (A) and
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... Radiology #Vasc #POCUS
Ultrasound - Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) - Probe Orientation #EM #Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
Lens dislocation - The lens is seen floating en face in the vitreous chamber. #Clinical #EM
#Clinical #EM #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
Positive DVT study showing thrombus in the femoral vein (v), adjacent to the femoral artery (a)
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... Radiology #Vasc #POCUS