14 results
The Curbsiders #89: Conjunctivitis: Red Eye in Pr-eye-mary Care
#Diagnosis #Management #PrimaryCare #RedEye #Overview #Curbsiders
The Curbsiders #89
REBEL Review 89: Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage #FOAMed #table #obstetrics #hemorrhage #PPH
REBEL Review 89:
Biliary POCUS for Cholecystectomy - Visual Abstract
What is the predictive value of biliary POCUS in terms
Specificity - 89%
Brugada Algorithm to differentiate wide QRS-complex tachycardia

Sensitivity 89%, Specificity 59.2%

#Brugada #Algorithm #widecomplex #tachycardia #cardiology
tachycardia Sensitivity 89%
Obstetric patients often pose challenges to anesthesiologists, as lab values and parameters vary from a non-pregnant
Africa, 27(2), 89
Empyema on POCUS

89-year-old male with fever and dyspnea. Lung ultrasound reveals what chest x-ray hides -
Empyema on POCUS 89
Incidence of Atelectasis in Bronchoscopy
89% patients developed atelectasis in at least 1 out of 8 segments
in Bronchoscopy 89%
Common organ involvements and symptoms in Sarcoidosis
Lung 89-99% - Cough, dyspnoea, wheezing and stridor
Skin 16-32% -
Sarcoidosis Lung 89
Tetralogy of Fallot - Chest XRay

An 18-month-old male presents with his parents who have noticed that
saturation is 89%
Treatment Regimens and Expected Early Efficacy Rates for Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis
 • Nitrofurantoin monohydrate / macrocrystals
day regimen) - 89%