4 results
Here are the most common examples of these four patterns on a chest x-ray (click image
patterns on a chest ... mass - Solitary Pulmonary ... Diagnosis #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #Consolidation ... #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
between these chest ... Pulmonary hemorrhage ... in fact this is nodular ... #CXR #Lobar #Consolidation ... #Causes #RadiologyAssistant
Differential diagnosis on HRCT
Most of our knowledge about imaging findings in interstitial lung disease comes from
On HRCT there are ... patterns: reticular, nodular ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
Basic Interpretation
A structured approach to interpretation of HRCT involves the following questions:
What is the dominant HR-pattern:
HR-pattern: reticular nodular ... (ground-glass, consolidation ... #Pulmonary #HRCT ... #CTChest #Interpretation ... Algorithm #ILD #RadiologyAssistant