384 results
Post Intubation Hypotension: The AH SHITE mnemonic #Diagnosis #EM #PCC #AHSHITE #Mnemonic #Postintubation #Hypotension #RebelEM
Hypotension: The AH SHITE ... Diagnosis #EM #PCC #AHSHITE ... #Hypotension #RebelEM
Operationalization of New Sepsis and Septic Shock Criteria #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #QSofa #Score #Sepsis #SepticShock
and Septic Shock Criteria ... SepticShock #Algorithm #RebelEM
What are the original Sgarbossa Criteria?
- Concordant ST-segment elevation ≥ 1 mm in any lead =
original Sgarbossa Criteria ... Original #Sgarbossa #Criteria ... #LBBB #RebelEM
Hyperthyroid States - Comparison Table - Laboratory Findings via RebelEM @srrezaie

#Diagnosis #Endocrinology #Hyperthyroid #States #Comparison #Table
Laboratory Findings via RebelEM ... #TFTs #Tests #RebelEM
How should the modified Sgarbossa Criteria be used in initial evaluation of patients with suspected AMI
modified Sgarbossa Criteria ... Evaluation #Algorithm #RebelEM
Red Flag Symptoms of Back Pain

#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #BackPain #RedFlags #TUNAFISH #Mnemonic #RebelEM
TUNAFISH #Mnemonic #RebelEM
Paraneoplastic Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Oncology #Paraneoplastic #Syndromes #RebelEM
Paraneoplastic #Syndromes #RebelEM
REBEL Review 99: Serotonin Syndrome via Yosuf Alam, MSIV

Presentation: Altered mentd status, Seizures, Myoclonus, Hypertension, Hyperthermia
REBEL Review 99: ... management #toxicology #REBELEM
The Death Spiral: Increased RV Afterload (Acute PE) 
#Pathophysiology #PE #PulmonaryEmbolism #Embolism #DeathSpiral #Shock #RVDysfunction #RebelEM
RVDysfunction #RebelEM
Emergency Medicine Medications in Pregnancy 
#Medications #Pregnancy #Safety #Table #RebelEM #Pharmacology #Obstetrics #OBGyn
Safety #Table #RebelEM