179 results
Mycophenolate Mofetil versus Cyclophosphamide for Induction Treatment of Lupus Nephritis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2678035/

Mycophenolate versus Azathioprine as Maintenance Therapy
NEJMoa1014460 #ALMS
Blood Stasis and Smoke on Echocardiogram (a4c)
Smoking symbol = Blood stasis without mitral stenosis
Other causes Restrictive
Alma Sthela Arrioja
Cardiomyopathy and LV Thrombus on Echocardiogram
56yo male with shortness of breath - Severe left and right
Alma Sthela Arrioja
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
abduction of the arms ... with elbows and palms
Antinuclear antibodies and Systemic lupus
Anti-dsDNA	60-80%	Association with disease activity (when with Farr assay) and lupus nephritis. Can
Associated with SLE-SSc-AlM
Wing-Beating Tremor of Wilson's Disease

Characterized by low frequency, high amplitude, near arm tremor caused by continuous
abduction of the arms ... with elbows and palms
Jaw Clonus on Physical Exam

A 24-year-old man presented with progressive dysphagia, dysarthria, and weakness in his
weakness in his arms ... Clinical #Video #ALS
Syphilis Rash on Palms and Soles

#Syphilis #Rash #Palms #Soles #clinical #dermatology #skin #secondary #PhysicalExam
Syphilis Rash on Palms ... Syphilis #Rash #Palms
Tongue Fasciculations in ALS

Martín Hunter MD @interconsulta

#Tongue #Fasciculations #als #amyotrophic #lateral #sclerosis #neurology #physicalexam #clinical #video
Fasciculations in ALS ... Fasciculations #als
Jaw-Jerk Reflex Clonus in ALS

- Neurology Pro - A DDx Tool @ProDdx

#JawJerk #Jaw #Jerk #Reflex #Clonus
Reflex Clonus in ALS ... Reflex #Clonus #ALS