3 results
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
determine the cause ... considered, like acute ... chest x-rays. 1. ... cough and fever. 2. ... #Radiology #CXR
Double Shunt on Echocardiogram
What do you see on this saline contrast study, in a patient with
liver disease and pulmonary ... 1. ... Early transit of bubbles ... Echocardiogram #clinical ... #pocus #a4c #intrapulmonary
Authors: Mark M. Ramzy, DO, EMT-P (@MarkRamzyDO, EM Resident Physician, Drexel University, Department of Emergency Medicine)
/50 Rule (part 1) ... /50 Rule (part 2) ... Pulmonary Contusion ... Most commonly caused ... #Radiology #CTChest