3 results
Septal Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)

52yo worsening exertional sx and murmur. EKG nonspecific, Serial trops (-) 
EM resident
Serial trops (-) EM ... Metoprolol - VCU Ultrasound ... #HCM #clinical ... echocardiogram #plax ... #cardiology #pocus
Parasternal LAX view with severe septal thickening in a patient with Hypertrophic CM and obstruction. Given
a patient with Hypertrophic ... risk for sudden cardiac ... #HCM #plax #Echocardiogram ... #clinical #cardiology ... #pocus
Cardiac Standstill on Intra-Arrest POCUS 
Intra-arrest echo check. Came with mechanical CPR device. Has anyone seen
POCUS Intra-arrest ... consistent with hypertrophic ... #POCUS #clinical ... echocardiogram #plax ... #cardiology