190 results
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy, Dermopathy, and Acropachy - Proptosis (Panel A) and pretibial myxedema (Panel B). His physical
Dermopathy, and Acropachy ... D) #Clinical #Endo ... Proptosis #Myxedema #Acropachy
Hyperthyroidism – symptoms and signs. 


Weight loss, Increased appetite, Irritability/behaviour change, Restlessness, Malaise, Stiffness, Muscle weakness,
dermopathy, Thyroid acropachy
Eating disorders: Initial assessment in primary care #Management #PrimaryCare #Endo #EatingDisorders #Anorexia #Bulimia #Nervosa #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #Endo
Graves Disease - Autoimmune Hyperthyroidism
Epidemiology: Most common cause of hyperthyroidism, Incidence peaks at 30-50
1 )
Ophthalmopathy, Dermopathy, Acropachy
The cardiac cycle describes each heart beat, incorporating relaxation and contraction. Phase one describes diastole and
when the atria end ... ventricular pressure ends ... its peak at the end
Accuracy of Diagnostic Tests for Causes of Secondary Hypertension - 
Am Fam Physician. 2010 Dec 15;82(12):1471-1478.
#PrimaryCare #Endo
Acanthosis Nigricans and Insulin Resistance - A 27-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of acanthosis
Clinical #Derm #Endo
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism - Symptoms and Signs
 - General - From asymptomatic to myxedema coma, “Like
Ø Hands: Acropachy
Range of hypertensive cardiovascular disease from prehypertension to target-organ damage and end- 
stage disease. 
target-organ damage and end ... Polysymptomatic or end-stage
Pathyophysiology - hyperglycemic crises in patients with diabetes 
Key signs/symptoms of HHS/DKA:
Both: Polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss,
Pathophys #EM #IM #Endo