33 results
Wall Motion Abnormalities!

1. Hypokinesis = ↓ Squeeze
2. Akinesis = No Squeeze
3. Dyskinesis = Outward Bulging

Sam Ghali,
Akinesis = No Squeeze ... WallMotionAbnormality #Dyskinesis #Akinesis
Proximal LAD STEMI with Anterior Wall Akinesis on POCUS

If you have trouble appreciating regional wall motion
Anterior Wall Akinesis ... anterior wall akinesis ... #AnteriorWall #Akinesis
Anterior Hypokinesis on POCUS Echocardiogram

A 69yo female with history of hypertension presents with 30min shortness of
cardiology #PSAX #WMA #Akinesis
Anterior Akinesia on POCUS Echocardiogram

Wide complex rhythm seen on monitor. Pulses present. While getting 12 lead
Anterior Akinesia ... Note akinesia of ... #Anterior #Akinesia
Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on Ventriculogram

Instead of having apical ballooning or akinesis with hyperdynamic base, here the
ballooning or akinesis ... is hypokinetic/akinetic
Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on POCUS Echocardiogram

Instead of having apical ballooning or akinesis with hyperdynamic base, here
ballooning or akinesis ... is hypokinetic/akinetic
Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on Cardiac MRI

Instead of having apical ballooning or akinesis with hyperdynamic base, here
ballooning or akinesis ... is hypokinetic/akinetic
Common Signs in Parkinson's Disease - SMART Mnemonic

Mask-like Face 

#SMART #Mnemonic #Parkinsons
Mask-like Face Akinesia
Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation on Echocardiogram
A typical ischemic MR:  the restricted posterior mitral leaflet motion (posterolateral
posterolateral akinesia
Mesenteric Ischemia - Differential Diagnostic Schema
Chronic: ASCVD, Venous, Vasculitides 5% (PAN, [E]GPA, IgA, MPA)
 - Venous
(AF, LV hypo-/akinesis