296 results
Shoulder Exam - Provocative Testing

Supraspinatus muscle injury:
 - Jobe’s Test
 - Hawkin’s Test
 - Drop Arm
Testing #Maneuvers #RotatorCuff ... #Impingement #ALiEM
Update on the ED Management of Intracranial Hemorrhage: Not All Head Bleeds Are the Same -
#Management #NSG ... IntracranialHemorrhages #ALiEM
Algorithm for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) #Management #NSG #TBI #Traumatic #Brain #Injury
) #Management #NSG
Illustrations showing elements of a shoulder assessment. Also included on a shoulder assessment would be determination
#PhysicalExam #RotatorCuff
Cushing's Reflex - Pathophysiology
 → ↑ ICP 
 → ↓ CBF
Pathophysiology #neurology #nsg
Differential diagnosis of genital ulcers
Table Comparing HSV, Syphilis, Chancroid and LGV

#Diagnosis #Genital #Ulcers #Differential #Comparison #Table
LGV #Syphilis #ALiEM ... #ALiEM
Aneurysms preferentially blossom in the Circle of Willis, with the anterior communicating artery (Acomm) being the
Epidemiology #EM #Neuro #NSG
An Algorithm for CSF Shunt Complications
#Algorithm, #CSFShunt, #NSGY, #Neurosurgery, #ddxof
Algorithm, #CSFShunt, #NSGY
Infographic: Compartment Syndrome #Diagnosis #Managment #Ortho #Compartment #Syndrome #CompartmentSyndrome #FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
Asthma Severity Classification and Step Therapy

#Diagnosis #Management #Asthma #Classification #Severity #Step #Therapy #ALiEM
Step #Therapy #ALiEM