18 results
Amoebic Liver Abscess Aspiration

Classic anchovy sauce appearance of aspirate

#Amoebic #Amebic #Liver #Abscess #Aspiration #clinical #video
Amoebic Liver Abscess ... of aspirate #Amoebic ... #Amebic #Liver
Liver Abscess
•	Pyogenic abscess, accounts for 80% of abscess.
•	Amebic abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, accounts for 10%.
•	Fungal
Amebic abscess ... abscess #Pyogenic #Amebic
Amebic Liver Abscess- ...Computed tomography of the abdomen performed after the administration of contrast material revealed
Amebic Liver Abscess ... the ingestion of amebic ... #NEJM #amebic #liver
Taxonomy of Protozoa
 - Amoebae
 - Flagellates
 - Ciliates
 - Sporozoans

Dr. Natalie Marshall, PhD @MicrobeNat

#Protozoa #Taxonomy
of Protozoa - Amoebae
Differential Diagnosis of Hepatic Abscess #Diagnosis #EM #IM #InfectiousDisease #Hepatic #Abscess #Differential #Hydatid #Amoeba #Algorithm #Ddxof
Differential #Hydatid #Amoeba
Causes of Toxic Megacolon - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's colitis
Clostridium difficile, Amoebic
Genital Ulcers - Atypical causes of genital ulcers that can be difficult to diagnose & manage.
amoebiasis, mold Amoebic
Plasmodium vivax on peripheral smear
A college student presents w/ headache, fever, chills. Returned 2 days ago
x normal size amoeboid
Colitis - Differential Diagnosis by Segment Location

Ascending Colon:
 - Shigella
 - Salmonella
 - Amebic colitis
Hepatic flexure:
Salmonella - Amebic ... Salmonella - Amebic
Differential diagnosis for pyogenic liver abscess:
Infectious etiologies predominate. Most are pyogenic (bacterial). Amebic (Entamoeba histolytica) and
Amebic (Entamoeba ... Parasite/Protozoa • Amebic