870 results
Anti-IgLON5 Encephalitis - Ocular Examination

Female with 6 months h/o excessive daytime sleepiness, abnormal movements, dysarthria. On
movement disorders (chorea ... @bobvarkey #AntiIgLON5 ... video #neurology #ophthalmology
Generalized Chorea in Anti-IgLON5 Encephalitis

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom @bobvarkey

#Chorea #AntiIgLON5 #IgLON5 #Encephalitis #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology
Generalized Chorea ... @bobvarkey #Chorea ... #AntiIgLON5 #IgLON5
Cornea Anatomy
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans #Descemets #Membrane
Cornea Anatomy # ... Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Sydenham Chorea on Physical Exam

Milkmaid's grip sign seen with hand gripping.

#Milkmaids #Sydenham #Chorea #PhysicalExam #milking #sign
Sydenham Chorea ... Milkmaids #Sydenham #Chorea
Rheumatic (Sydenham) Chorea

Dr. kazi ferdous @fazalabul

#Rheumatic #Sydenhams #chorea #physicalexam #neurology #clinical #video
Rheumatic (Sydenham) Chorea ... Rheumatic #Sydenhams #chorea
Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Red and Painful Eye
1. External
2. Lids and Lashes
3. Conjunctiva and
Cornea 5. ... Differential #Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Filamentary Keratitis- Slit lamp examination reveals filaments (‘mucoepithelioid” strands) adherent to the corneal surface. The filaments
filament #keratitis #Ophthalmology ... #photo #cornea
Right sided hemichorea from left thalamic bleed

- Dr Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#hemichorea #physicalexam #clinical #video #neurology #chorea
video #neurology #chorea
Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea secondary to Adenovirus infection.
Photo credit, Josh Fierer, M.D.

Charlie Goldberg,
conjunctiva and cornea ... Images #Clinical #Ophthalmology
Milkmaid’s Grip of Chorea on Physical Exam
Milk maids grip is appreciated as an alternating squeezing and
Milkmaid’s Grip of Chorea ... combination of Chorea ... Milkmaids #Grip #Chorea