66 results
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Work & lnterpersonal:
 • Home Life Troubles - Conflict
Antisocial Personality ... ASPD Mnemonic: CORRUPT ... disorder #ASPD #Antisocial ... Symptoms #Mnemonic #CORRUPT
Personality Disorders - Clusters
Cluster A 
 - Schizotypal
 - Paranoid 
 - Schizoid 
Cluster B
Borderline - Antisocial
Calcium Electrolyte Repletion
Always correct Ca for albumin before deciding if it is abnormal
Repletion Always correct
Weaning from the Ventilator - Algorithm
Setting up for extubation success
 • Decrease demand — correct metabolic
Decrease demand — correct ... o overfeeding, correct
Personality Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
• Enduring pattern of experience and behaviour that deviates from cultural
or Social • Antisocial
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Troubleshooting for Neurosurgery Residents

Low Hanging Fruit
 • Has the system become disconnected
Is the setting correct ... Andwith the correct
Antibiotic Sensitivities
Note that this chart is one of empiric bacterial sensitivities. However, with time antibiotic resistance
judicious and correct
Hyponatremia Differential Diagnosis Table

 • Step 1: Correct for hyperglycemia. Corrected Na = [(glucose - 100)/
• Step 1: Correct
List of some common medications used in the operative setting, with their counterparts that look alike
patient for the correct
Algorithm for the diagnosis of hyponatremia.

If you start with the osmolalities, urinary sodium etc first and
likely to make a correct