6 results
ECG of a 55-year-old man who presented to the ER with chest pain 
Computer interpretation: “Nonspecific
ECG of a 55-year-old ... to the ER with chest ... Recognize this #ECG ... Biphasic T-wave in aVL ... #Clinical #Cardiology
EKG Interpretation Cheat Sheet
1) Rate 
 - Regular - Count-Off 
 - Irregular - Count number
Cheat Sheet 1) ... • Lateral (I + aVL ... Normal: Upright in all ... Interpretation #ECG ... Electrocardiogram #cardiology
STEMI Equivalents on ECG
 • Conventional STEMI - Elevation of ST segment at (or 40-60 ms
Equivalents on ECG ... segment at (or 40-60 ms ... accompanied by chest ... of the leads l, aVL ... #differential #cardiology
Wraparound LAD STEMI on EKG
47 year old with chest pain. Ectopic atrial rhythm with ST elevations.
Wraparound LAD STEMI on EKG ... year old with chest ... The mother of all ... #clinical #cardiology ... electrocardiogram #ecg
Chest pain after AFib ablation. What’s the most likely diagnosis?


You are all correct: the patient had
Chest pain after ... You are all correct ... MusaSharkawi #Clinical ... #Cardiology #EKG ... #ECG #Pericarditis
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
specific questions to ask ... Obtain EKG if: ... Change in clinical ... one post op Cardiology ... change CV risk Chest