4671 results
The arrows point to a subendocardial region with poor contrast enhancement due to ischemia. This is
Clinical #EM #IM #Cardiology ... #Radiology #CTChest ... Subendocardial #Ischemia #Axial
Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation demonstrated in the Cephalic Vein

Patient with severe pulmonary hypertension and severe tricuspid regurgitation.
pulsation height from axila ... #PhysicalExam #Cardiology ... #Clinical #Video
Crank Test for Labral Tear of the Shoulder

To perform the Crank Test, fully abduct the shoulder
and provide an axial ... Video via @open_michigan ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Retroperitoneal Space Anatomy
Fascial Anatomy: 
 - Anterior Renal Fascia
 - Lateroconal Fascia
 - Posterior Renal Fascia
Space #Anatomy #axial ... #transverse #radiology
Approach to Low Back Pain - Differential Algorithm
- Non-MSK
- Axial / Musculoskeletal
- Radicular
- Systemic Disease (Do
- Non-MSK - Axial
Spurling's Test for Cervical Nerve Root Compression

With the neck in slight extension, ipsilateral flexion and rotation,
rotation, provide an axial ... Radiculopathy #clinical #video
Cardiac MRI Demonstrating Electrical Alternans in Pericardial Effusion

Dr Prasad Jain @DrPrasadJain

#Pericardial #Effusion #Cardiac #MRI #Cine #CMRI
Alternans #clinical #video ... #radiology #cardiology
Apley Compression Test on Knee Examination

With the patient prone, the knee being tested is flexed to
examiner applies an axial ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Atrial Myxoma on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Jacobo Kirsch

#Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology #Clinical #Radiology
Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology ... #Clinical #Radiology
Mallet Finger
Absence of a fracture does NOT exclude Mallet finger, the extension function of the DIP
Hyperflexion injury with axial ... Mallet #Finger #Radiology