2324 results
Filariform larvae of Strongyloides strongylodiasis on sputum microscopy
BMT patient with abd pain and rash. Treated with
with abd pain and rash ... Video of sputum
Rash Morphology Description Algorithm

#Rash #Morphology #Description #Algorithm #Skin #Dermatology #Diagnosis
Rash Morphology ... Algorithm #Rash
Palpable Rash Algorithm

#Palpable #Rash #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Skin #Dermatology #Differential
Palpable Rash Algorithm ... #Palpable #Rash
Palpable Purpura - Rash Algorithm
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Rash #Palpable #Purpura #Differential #Algorithm
Palpable Purpura - Rash ... #Dermatology #Rash
BRASH Syndrome

B - Bradycardia
R - Renal failure
A - AV nodal blockade
S - Shock
H - Hyperkalemia

Typical ECG
BRASH Syndrome ... Typical ECG in BRASH ... hyperkalemia) BRASH ... DrEricStrong #BRASH
An Approach to the Unknown Rash: Petechial-Purpuric Rash 
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Petechial #Purpura #Purpuric #Rash #Palpable #Algorithm
to the Unknown Rash ... Petechial-Purpuric Rash ... Purpura #Purpuric #Rash
RASHonal Approach to a Rash

- Dr. Arielle Klepper @ https://twitter.com/ArielleKlepper

#Rash #Algorithm #RASHonal #Differential #Diagnosis #Classification #Skin
Approach to a Rash ... ArielleKlepper #Rash
Practical Pediatric Viral Rash Algorithm

Child presenting with rash and current/ recent symptoms of viral illness but
Pediatric Viral Rash ... presenting with rash ... sailordoctor #Rash
Intubation Airway Management Algorithm #Management #CriticalCare #Airway #Algorithm #Intubation #Difficult #Crash #RSI #Failed #Ddxof
Intubation #Difficult #Crash
Kawasaki Disease - Workup and Diagnostic Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #Kawasaki #Disease #Algorithm #CRASH #BURN
Disease #Algorithm #CRASH