11 results
Benign T-wave Inversion (BTWI) vs. Wellens'
 • Usually in leads V3-V6 (vs. V2-V4 in Wellens'), but
T-wave Inversion (BTWI ... also frequent TWI ... typical of BER • TWI ... Twave #Inversion #BTWI
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Pathogenesis

 • Genetic factors (Mutations in HLA- DR2/HLA-DR3 genes, complement genes, cytokine
-> Interaction btw
Giant TWave Inversion #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #GTWI #GiantT #GiantTWave #Inversion #ECGEducator
Cardiology #EKG #GTWI
ST depression & T wave inversion causes #Pathophys #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Differential #TWI #STD #TWaveInversion
#Differential #TWI
Neck Lymph Nodes on POCUS

Neck mass or swelling? POCUS is a good first test to distinguish
to distinguish btw
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on POCUS

78 year old woman - Acute delirium but complaining of chest pain 
: non specific TWI
Deep T Wave Inversions - Differential
Normal variants 
  A. Juvenile T wave pattern
TWaveInversions #TWI
TypeA Aortic Dissection on POCUS Echocardiogram

80yo F presents with CP&SOB after syncope. BP 91/62, HR81, O2sat
EKG: afib, twi I
EKG in Acute Pulmonary Embolism
The sensitivity and specificity for EKG findings in acute PE are low.
sensitive finding) • TWI
Atrial Fibrillation w/incomplete RBBB, Prolonged QTc (510ms), TWI in Leads III, V2 and V3. Inconsistent electrical
Prolonged QTc (510ms), TWI