14 results
The biotrauma hypothesis of ventilator-induced lung injury. IL = interleukin; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; Pplat
The biotrauma hypothesis ... Pathophysiology #Barotrauma
Dysbarism (diving pathology) #Diagnosis #EM #Dysbarism #Diving #Barotrauma #Dissolved #DissolvedGas #Ddxof
Dysbarism #Diving #Barotrauma
Pulmonary Barotrauma in a Free Diver - Chest XRay

A 24-year-old male presented to the Emergency Department
Pulmonary Barotrauma ... #Barotrauma #Diving
Conductive Hearing Loss - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Normal Otoscopy - Middle Ear:
 • Otosclerosis
 • Congenital (Ossicular
Cholesteatoma • Trauma (barotrauma
TiTrATE Approach to Vertigo
TiTrATE approach stands for Timing, Triggers and Targeted Examination.
4 vestibular syndromes that are
artery dissection, barotrauma
What is Auto-PEEP?
 • Progressive air trapping & dynamic hyperinflation → ↑Palv at end expiration
intrathoracic pressure → barotrauma
Ear Pain / Otalgia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Referred Otaliga:
 • Via Vagus or Glossopharyngeal Nerves
Otitis Media • Barotrauma
Subcutaneous emphysema on Chest XRay

Etiologies:   Pneumothorax (spontaneous or traumatic), trauma (tracheobronchial injury, barotrauma), esophageal
tracheobronchial injury, barotrauma
Noninvasive Ventilation Summary
Positive pressure ventilation that is delivered through a nasal, mask, or helmet interface and
monitor Vt and for barotrauma
Hearing Loss - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Hearing Loss Types:
• Conductive
• Sensorineural
• Mixed
Presbycusis is the most common type
• Trauma: ○ Barotrauma