2865 results
Pocket Comparison Guide to Heritable Hypertension Syndromes (Secondary Hypertension)

Bartter, Gitelman, Liddle, Primary Aldosteronism, 
GRA (Glucocorticoid Remediable
Hypertension) Bartter ... Table #Diagnosis #Management
CNS Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Clinical Manifestations: Demyelinating Syndrome, Headache, Movement disorders, Seizure disorders, Aseptic
or blood-brain barrier ... cerebritis #diagnosis #management
Gitelman Syndrome Overview

• Inherited (AR) hypokalemic salt-losing tubulopathies affecting the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride cotransporter
• Gitelman's syndrome
Refeeding syndrome • Bartter ... syndrome • Pseudo Bartter-Gitelman ... diagnosis #nephrology #management
Ellis system of classification system for a tooth fracture:

Ellis 1: injury of the crown into enamel
composition, an adhesive barrier ... #Diagnosis #Management
Localization of Renal Tubular Defects
Fanconi Syndrome: Proximal tubule
Bartter Syndrome: Thick ascending loop of Henle
Gitelman Syndrome: Distal
Proximal tubule Bartter ... Syndrome #Fanconi #Bartter
Button Battery Ingestion Triage and Treatment Guideline - Algorithm

#ButtonBattery #Battery #Ingestion #Algorithm #Management #Treatment #Guidelines #Toxicology
Button Battery Ingestion ... ButtonBattery #Battery ... Ingestion #Algorithm #Management
Algorithm for Differentiating Gitelman syndrome from Bartter syndrome
 • Urine Chloride
 • Urine Ca/Cr ratio

Dr. Krithika
syndrome from Bartter ... Gitelman #syndrome #Bartter
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Pediatric Foreign Body Aspiration 

#Button #Battery #Ingestion #Diagnosis #Management
Evaluation and Management ... Aspiration #Button #Battery ... Ingestion #Diagnosis #Management
A better approach to Torsades de Pointes - Algorithm and Magnesium Infusion Protocol

#TorsadesdePointes #Algorithm #Magnesium #Infusion
A better approach ... TorsadesDePointes #Management
ACEI Antihypertensive Dose Comparison. Consider divided (BID) regimen for better pre-dose (trough) BP control for the
BID) regimen for better ... #Hypertension #Management