2643 results
Causes of Hematuria - Glomerular vs Non-glomerular

== Glomerular ==
- Glomerulonephritis 
- Thin basement membrane disease 

Glomerulonephritis - Thin basement ... #Differential #Urology
Approach to managing Glomerulonephritis (GN) in children. 

ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; c-ANCA, cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies;
GBM, glomerular basement
Causes of Hematuria - Differential Diagnosis
 - Glomerular - IgA Nephropathy, Thin basement membrane, Alport syndrome,
Nephropathy, Thin basement ... Diagnosis #Causes #urology
Classic mucosal-dominant Pemphigus Vulgaris. Suprabasal acantholysis leaving behind a “row of tombstones” (i.e. the basal layer
life onto the basement
Causes of acute kidney injury (AKI). AKI is classified into pre-renal, renal, and post-renal causes. Renal
GBM, Glomerular basement
Jaw-Jerk Reflex Clonus in ALS

- Neurology Pro - A DDx Tool @ProDdx

#JawJerk #Jaw #Jerk #Reflex #Clonus
Clonus in ALS - Neurology ... ALS #clinical #video ... #neurology #amyotrophic
A red blood cell (red arrow) is seen crossing the basement membrane (blue arrow) and losing
seen crossing the basement
Brudzinski's Sign on Physical Exam - Meningitis

#Brudzinskis #Sign #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #peds #pediatrics #meningitis
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #neurology #peds
Abnormal (Positive, Upgoing) Babinski Sign on Physical Exam

#Abnormal #Positive #Babinski #Sign #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #reflex #pyramidal
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... reflex #pyramidal #neurology
Right Oculomotor (CNIII) Palsy caused by Stroke

Dr. Bruno Farnetano @bruno.farnetano

#Oculomotor #CNIII #Palsy #clinical #video #CN3 #clinical
Palsy #clinical #video ... CN3 #clinical #video ... #neurology #physicalexam