1168 results
Nevus of Ota on Ocular Exam (Ocular Dermal Melanosis)

Benign melanosis in the distribution of the trigeminal
Melanosis) Benign ... PhysicalExam #clinical #ophthalmology
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: Spontaneously occurring collection of blood in subconjunctival 
space, which usually has a benign course.

usually has a benign ... Images #Clinical #Ophthalmology
Adie's Pupil
What? Unknown nature & benign
 • Regular and mildly dilated pupil (4-6mm);
 • Light-near dissociaton;
Unknown nature & benign ... PhysicalExam #neurology #ophthalmology
Pterygium: A benign fleshy growth on sclera. Over time, it can creep across iris and interfere
Pterygium: A benign ... Images #Clinical #Ophthalmology
Eyelid Pyogenic Granuloma

Pyogenic granulomas are benign vascular proliferations. The most common areas affected around the eyes
granulomas are benign ... physicalexam #ocular #ophthalmology
Eyelid Myokymia on Physical Exam

via @ophthalmobcn

Unilateral eyelid tic or twitch - typically benign and self-limited, often
twitch - typically benign ... #PhysicalExam #ophthalmology
Pingueculae are yellow-white, subepithelial conjunctival deposits that are typically found in the nasal or temporal anterior
Pingueculae are benign ... #pinguecula #Ophthalmology
Crocodile Shagreen on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Asymptomatic/benign corneal degeneration. It is bilateral and symmetrical with polygonal
Asymptomatic/benign ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Crocodile Shagreen on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Asymptomatic/benign corneal degeneration. It is bilateral and symmetrical with polygonal
Asymptomatic/benign ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
a. Dacryoadenitis: infection of the lacrimal glands
b. Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the
Chalazion: a benign ... pathophysiology #ophthalmology