8 results
Coronary Artery Thrombus Riding a Bifurcation

- Dr. Stephan Achenbach @Steph_Achenbach

#Thrombus #Bifurcation #Coronary #cathlab #clinical #cardiology #angiography
Thrombus Riding a Bifurcation ... #Thrombus #Bifurcation
Couinaud Liver Segments overlaid on right hand - Anatomy Mnemonic
The Couinaud model of hepatic anatomy divides
to the portal bifurcations
Pulmonary Embolism on Pulmonary Angiography
Note the fibrillation of the thrombus riding the central bifurcation.

Dr. Stephan Achenbach
riding the central bifurcation
Causes of Ischemic Stroke - Differential Diagnosis Framework
Important to determine and treat the etiology behind because
Atherosclerotic*: Bifurcation
Splenic Artery on POCUS

Which of the following vessels is appreciated in this clip?
Resolution: Splenic artery (off
The iliac bifurcation
AAA w/ intraluminal thrombus on abdominal POCUS

Which of the following describes this clip most accurately?
Resolution: AAA
extending into iliac bifurcation
Giant Thrombosed Intracranial Aneurysm - Computed tomography (CT) performed without the administration of contrast material revealed
originated from the bifurcation
Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound Pocket Card
Deep Vein Thrombosis Scanning Sites:
 • Common Femoral Vein 
Popliteal Vein Trifurcation