14 results
This is a case from a number of years ago and the exact history is unavailable
Clinical #Radiology #HandXRay ... #BlastInjury #Fireworks ... #Firecrackers
Blast Injury Categories
 - Primary - Direct effect from blast shockwave 
 - Secondary - Impact
device additives #BlastInjury
An example of skeletal maturation during childhood at various ages. A, 5 years of age. B,
Pediatrics #Radiology #HandXRay
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): X-ray features
 • Soft tissue swelling (best seen by comparing left & right
RheumatoidArthritis #RA #HandXray
Binaural Tympanic-Membrane Perforations after Blast Injury #Clinical #ENT #TM #TympanicMembrane #Perforation #BlastInjury #NEJM
#Perforation #BlastInjury
Firecracker injury to the groin.
Dx: testicular rupture

Pearls for testicular rupture:
-heterogeneous echotexture within the testis
-testicular contour abnormality
Firecracker injury ... Testicular #Rupture #Firecracker
Eye Injury from a Firecracker - Slit-lamp examination of the left eye revealed multiple foreign bodies
Injury from a Firecracker ... Ophth #EyeInjury #Firecracker
Iridodialysis and traumatic cataract after firecracker injury
Iridodialysis is the result of a tear in the iris
cataract after firecracker ... Iridodialysis #Firecracker
Hand XRay - Bone Changes Over Time

Dr. Shadowgazer @DShadowgazer

#HandXRay #Progression #Timeline #HandBones #Bony #Changes #Clinical #Peds
DShadowgazer #HandXRay
Boutonniere Deformity of the Middle Finger: Associated with chronic rheumatoid arthritis..

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog
Photo #Radiology #HandXRay