2864 results
COPD phenotypes:  Blue Bloaters vs. Pink Puffers
The two most stereotypical forms of COPD are pink
have classic “dry emphysema ... airflow obstruction causes ... #PinkPuffers #BlueBloaters
Pathophys - COPD
#Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema #ChronicBronchitis #PinkPuffer #BlueBloater
Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema ... ChronicBronchitis #PinkPuffer #BlueBloater
Patterns of disease in advanced COPD

Type A: 
Pink Puffer (Emphysema Predominant) 
Major complaint is dyspnea, often
Pink Puffer (Emphysema ... Phenotypes #PinkPuffer #BlueBloater
Drugs Causing Acute Pancreatitis

Class Ia: The medications in which there was a rechallenge and other causes
rechallenge and other causes ... out other common causes ... Class II: Cases ... and atleast4 case ... #Pancreatitis #Causes
Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Diseases
 - Pneumonia
 - Atelectasis
 - Emphysema
 - Pneumothorax
 - Effusion
Atelectasis - Emphysema ... Reticular - Emphysema
Pathogenesis of COPD
#Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema #ChronicBronchitis
Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema
#Emphysema Vs #Bronchitis
#Emphysema Vs #Bronchitis
Orbital Emphysema following ocular trauma and sneezing.

#Orbital #Emphysema #ocular #physicalexam #ophthalmology #clinical #video #crepitus
Orbital Emphysema ... #Orbital #Emphysema
Subcutaneous Emphysema on Physical Exam

Dr. Manrique Umana @umanamd

#Subcutaneous #Emphysema #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neck #crepitus
Subcutaneous Emphysema ... #Subcutaneous #Emphysema
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
These include: - Emphysema ... TractionBronchiectasis #Cysts #Emphysema